Every faculty member shall be adhered to the Code of Conduct. The following acts shall constitute breach of code of conduct.
- Habitual late coming and negligence of duty.
- Frequent absence without permission, use of abusive language, quarrelsome and riotous behaviour.
- Disrespectful behavior, rumor mongering and character assassination.
- Smoking and use of liquor or narcotics in the college premises.
- Mutilation or destruction of college records and property.
- Indulging in or encouraging any form of malpractice connected with examination or other college activities.
- Divulging confidential matters relating to college.
- Obstructing other members of the staff from lawful duties and indulging in any sort of agitation to coerce or embarrass the college authorities.
- Conducting personal monetary transactions among themselves, with the students and/or with the parents.
- Absenting from work even though present in the college premises or absent without leave.
- Preparing, publishing or selling any book related to the curriculum without prior permission from the Principal.
- Assisting publishers or book sellers directly or indirectly in publishing or selling any kind of books without the consent of the Principal.
- Leaving the college premises without the permission of the Principal during working hours.
- Overuse of college telephone for making and receiving personal calls.
- Misusing internet facility for personal use.
- Every lecturer shall complete the lessons according to the scheme of work approved by the Principal.
- All the lecturers are expected to take lively interest in co-curricular activities and special programmes as the college gives importance to all-round development of the personality of the students. They shall not be eligible for any compensation if they may have to work before or after the regular working hours in connection with the extracurricular activities or special programmes.
- The lecturers must attend the in-service programmes and other training programmes arranged by the college or external bodies, if the principal directs them to do so.
- Staff should remain in prayer posture during the prayer time.
- Lecturers should give prime importance for classes for which they will update their knowledge by using periodicals, related books, internet etc.
- Lecturer should go through the notices displayed on the notice boards.
- Any dissatisfaction on the college activities, pay scale, management policies, dealings from the Principal etc. can be pointed out frankly and sincerely to the Principal or Manager.
The college strictly enforces its rules of discipline and non-adherence to these rules makes the students liable to disciplinary action which may range from ‘warning’ to ‘dismissal’.
The rules of discipline of the college include the following:
- Be gentle, clean and decorous in dress, decent in language and behavior.
- Be respectful to your teachers and elders.
- Every student must attend the classes as per the time table regularly and punctually. Late comers will be marked ‘absent’.
- No student shall do anything which will disrupt teaching, curricular or extracurricular activities, examination, administrative work etc.
- Be in the class room at the first bell. No student shall enter or leave the class room without the permission of the teacher engaging the session.
- Prayer is an invocation to God. Students should stand erect at the time of prayer and observe perfect silence.
- Students are not supposed to loiter on the corridors during the class hours. Whenever they have to move to the library, laboratory, computer lab, etc, do it in an orderly manner.
- Students are allowed to receive the visitors only with the permission of the Principal.
- Transact business in the College office patiently and politely.
- No student is allowed to indulge in political activities in the college premises.
- No society or association shall be formed in the college without the prior permission of the Principal.
- No student shall display any notice/circular/poster/banner in the college premises without the prior permission of the Principal.
- All types of protest demonstrations, processions, shouting etc. are strictly prohibited within the college premises.
- All meetings, cultural programs, debates, etc. organized in the college premises must be conducted in the presence of the faculty members and with prior permission of the Principal.
- The medium of communication in the college campus shall be English.
- Students should obtain a written permission from the Principal to go out of the campus during working hours.
- Smoking and use of alcoholic substances, drugs, pan masala etc. are strictly prohibited in the college premises.
- Students shall not use mobile phones in the college premises. See the section on mobile phones below.
- Strict action will be taken against students involved in malpractices at the University/college examinations.
- Students shall not do anything that will tarnish the image of the college while they are inside or outside the college campus.
- Any form of violence, threat, intimidation and extortion that cause physical or psychological harm to a student shall be considered ragging. Students including in such behavior shall be immediately expelled from the college.
- Ragging in any form is strictly prohibited. Any student found indulging in it would be guilty of gross indiscipline and strict legal measures will be taken against him/her. See the section on Ragging below.
- Strict action will be taken against the student damaging college property and such students will have to compensate the damages caused.
- The dress code prescribed by the college shall be followed by all students. Students who are not following the dress code are liable to be punished with a fine of Rs. 50.00 (Rupees Fifty)
- All directions issued by the management of the college for the smooth functioning of the college have to be followed by all students.