Staff in charge – Exam Cell Co-ordinator
Staff representatives – Two
Office Assistant
Non- Teaching Staff Representative
- Responsibilities
Conducting unit test, internal exams, model examination as per schedule:
- Receiving two sets of question papers from staffs for each subject
- Question papers will be handed over to principal in a file
- Making multiple copies of question paper as per student strength
- Preparing hall allotment & seating arrangement for both internal and model examination.
- Exam duty allocation to staffs ( do not place the respective subject teachers on duty)
- Arranging question papers as per the hall allotment.
- Fixing mark list submission date.
- Collecting mark list from staff members.
- Filing mark lists.
- Preparing attendance sheets for internal & model examination.
- If necessary, conducting re-internal & Model examination for low mark students/absent students.
- Maintaining staff duty register
- Maintaining all files
B: University exam Arrangements
- Arrange mainsheets and additional sheets according to the codes specified by the university.
- Verification of the question paper bundle received and enter the details in the college ledger
- Maintenance of Registers
- Maintain Duty register
- Maintain Answer sheet register
- Keep Absentees register
- Update Dispatch register
- Fill the declaration and ABS statement in the examination day and get the Principal Signature.
- Proper packing of answer sheets
- Allocate the University exam duty
- Internal Marks Uploading:
- Collect consolidated internal mark List from respective class teachers.
- Cross check the Mark list with the class Register Book.
- After verification upload the internal marks to university website.
- Get the signature from Principal and file in the records