Mandatory Disclosure
Maintenance Policies
The proper maintenance of the Physical facilities are undertaken by the institution concentrating on the entities like building, furniture, auditorium, electrical installations, garden etc. There is proper up keeping of purchase, stock, utilization and service registersundertaken by the staff. There are systems and procedures established for maintaining and using academic, sports and other resources whereas there are authorized persons involved in maintaining these equipments. The maintenance also include that of classrooms, seminar hall, LCD, board usages which are given incharge for different faculties with the proper maintenance of registers. The maintenance of the facilities are under the charge of a maintenance employee.
Electrical & Plumbing: Electrical maintenance is carried out by the electrician with whom we have a contract and the plumbing job is carried out in the same manner. Regular annual maintenance is done during summer holidays besides any emergency repairs needed during other times.
Computer Lab:The computer lab provided for the usage of the students and teachers are properly maintained and regular services of the systems are done. There is a proper register maintained for all the services undertaken and also for the usage of the facilities provided. There is a regular cycle of servicing of the equipment. Computer lab up keeping is done by the staff in charge;whereas the maintenance is carried out by the respective maintenance company. Computer maintenance is undertaken by the businesses with whom we sign contract to do the job. The computer updating and maintenance was done by such firms in the past and now.
Playgrounds:The College gives strong emphasis for the physical fitnessof students. As far as sports are concerned there is a play area provided for the students and also all the necessary sports equipment are purchased.Sports equipment are maintained by the concerned faculty who are appointed, they also make sure that all the process of maintenance are carried out in regular intervals. The maintenance of playgrounds are carried out by separate workers under the guidance of administration.
Classrooms: As part of teaching cleanliness, thestudents are given the responsibility of taking care of their classroom and maintaining it properly. Cleaning supplies are provided in class rooms and a cleaning list consisting of various groups of students are prepared under the guidance of class tutor. Students keep their class rooms clean on weekdays whereas cleaning staff wash and clean the classrooms on weekends. The benches and other basic things in the classrooms are also maintained properly. As a part of maintenance polished benches and desks are provided for all the students, in the beginning of the every academic year.
ICT facilities:There ICT tool that are established in the college like portable LCD Projectors, sound systems and so on, are maintained and taken care off properly. The students do take up the responsibility and corporate with the college maintenance of the facilities provided in a very proper manner. As the institution concentrates on the students development, they provide the best equipment and also the top class facilities for the them, and they never fail in maintaining the items which could create an interest amongst the students to use them properly and maintain the same.
Washrooms: Cleanliness is given utmost importance by the management. Each section of the washroom area along with the public corridor is entrusted to one staff from cleaning department as in charge. The public areas such as corridors, washrooms etc. are cleaned daily and all classrooms are cleaned and kept on weekends. Monthly and annual maintenance is done without fail. All classrooms and other areas will be fixed as reported by the staff and students.
Drinking water: The drinking water facility as well as water supply management system requires regular maintenance as the water available has some hard water elements. The drinking water RO plants are given to a company on an annual maintenance contract. The water treatment plant is maintained by the same company that installed the system and also provides necessary supply for our daily maintenance.
Garden & yards: Garden and the yards are maintained regularly. The lawn are mowed and kept neat, for which expert lawn cutters will be contracted as per need. The other maintenance of the garden is taken care of by the staff appointed for that purpose. The yards all around the campus are also maintained in a similar fashion as labourers will be contracted as and when needed. The students also help to keep the yard clean as they help out in cleaning the campus few times a year.
Building in general: In case of any major repair on the building, it will be done through the engineer who overseen the construction of the building. As our comparatively new, as of now it does not require any major repair. All maintenance is undertaken by the bursar with the guidance of the Principal.