
Common Scholarships

Govt. scholarships – There are central and state Govt. scholarships that you can apply – Post Metric, SC/ST students, Single girl child with single mother, Minority scholarships etc. It is the responsibility of the students to apply directly. College is already registered under National Scholarship Portal. You can enquire in the office for more details. 


FRESHERS (New students) Scholarships

  1. Chavara Scholarship – For economically back ward students in each department (as of now there are Five departments of Commerce, Management, Computer, English & Maths). Students from economically backward weaker section can apply. Marks, co-curricular involvement if any, community service record if any Income certificate etc. will be looked into to decide the awardees) Amount – 50% of their semester fees or an amount not exceeding Rs.5000 for first two semesters) a Total amount of up to Rs. 10,000/-   – Ten scholarships totalling 100,000/-
  2. Fr. Dunston memorial Christian student scholarship: This scholarship is given to One Christian student with a score of 90% and above marks or the highest in plus two. Criteria being: Total marks, financial background, involvement in other activities/cultural/sports etc. Amount: two instalments of Rs.5000/- each – Total of Rs. 10,000/-


    For Current students

    1. Fr. Aloor memorial Athletic scholarships – eligibility: Students who win any of the first three positions in any University level sports and games events can apply, If there are more applicants the scholarship will be based on medal position. The other criteria being performance, academics and character. (A total of Rs. 5000/- per person) 
    2. BMC STAR – Academic Excellence scholarships – Top students in all semesters combined – Consolidated mark in each departments – An award of Rs. 5000/- – Totalling Rs. 25,000/-   
    3. TOP IN CLASS – Course Major Scholarship – Top student in university semester exams – Rs 2500/- each – Totalling 15,000/-
    4. Mother Theresa memorial Scholarship for girls – Any girl student with leadership ability can apply from among current students in second year or third year, (criteria- Academics – minimum of 60% marks in all university exams; involvement in curricular/co-curricular/sports/literary activities, character, leadership ability, service mind) – An amount of Rs 5000/-    
    5. Service Scholarship – Scholarship for students involved in NSS, NCC, Social Action Club – based on their Commitment, Creativity, Involvement, Academics and number of volunteering Hours – An amount of Rs. 5000/-