Members: Principal; Staff representatives & Student representatives
The committee is formed to conduct programs, seminars and workshops for women empowerment. Keep a record of all activities related to women’s cell in college; Write reports of every events; Conduct various programs independently and in collaboration with other departments; Prepare and send a report at the end to university. Programs can be organized under the following Heads:
Academic Activities:
- Short term research projects or short term certificate courses on gender related topics.
- Seminars/Workshops at International/National /Regional levels on themes related to women empowerment/gender equality.
Cultural Activities
- Film/ Documentary shows on gender
- Production of short films/documentaries on gender related topics
- Publication of manuscripts magazines/Pamphlets on women empowerment/gender equality.
- Organising competitions/debates on gender issues.
- Conducting flash mobs /streets plays on gender issues.
Extension Activities
- Campaign for women empowerments gender equality.
- Gender sensitisation classes/talks to the public or to school students.
- Vocational training or awareness classes to the needy women.
Skill up-gradation
- Vocational training
- Soft skill training
- Career guidance
- Conduct of she markets/trade fairs at the college for promoting entrepreneurship skills of girls.
Counselling classes on stress management Health and hygiene
Counselling experts will talk to the students on various personality issues, Health & Hygiene topics, Stress Management and Harassment issues.